Free Social Media Checklist
You have a business to run and you know social media is an important component of your business. It’s where your competitors are and it’s where your leads and customers are. So there’s no doubt you need to be on it as well. Do you have a plan or strategy to keep up with social media, though? Are you regularly scheduling posts ahead of time, posts with a purpose? Are you sticking around after you post to engage with other people or businesses?
Social media is a daily activity, like checking email. If you’re not nurturing it daily with extra steps weekly and monthly, you’re not using it to its full potential. Social media is where you get to show your brand to the world; in how you respond to comments, the topics you engage with, the content you share. What do you want your business to say and show to the world every day?
Instead of being overwhelmed by social media, break it down. Anything can be done with bite size steps, rights? We’ve broken down the tasks you should be doing on social media daily, weekly, and monthly with a free checklist. Download it and use it to stay on track. Set aside a half hour to 45 minutes a day to perform and assess the steps. Make sure you leave yourself a couple of hours every month to plan for the following month.
Follow this checklist and you’ll be wielding the power of social media with more efficiency than any of your competitors. Happy socializing!