10 Irresistible Video Title Phrases

10 Irresistible Video Title Phrases

10 Irresistible Video Title Phrases for maximum engagement

Some video titles are irresistible! Something about certain phrases really piques our interest, as shown by Wochit. So what’s the best title for your video? A quick google can show lots of advice and you’ll see search engine optimization (SEO) as the biggest piece. We’d agree that keeping SEO is important, but we also discovered there are a few phrases that can intrigue your audience more than others when it comes to sharing videos. Our handy graphic shows the phrases that get people clicking the most. Combine these phrases with topics your audience is already searching for to make a killer combo.


Best video titles for traffic

Use this graphic with data from Wochit to inspire your video strategy. Keeping SEO in mind, think of what your audience is searching for or what would interest them as a topic. Then look through these titles and combine one or more with your topics to maximize clicks. For example, our audience is looking for the best social media practices. So we could take #5 and create a video with the title “What You Need for a Successful Social Media Campaign.” Or we could take #8 and create a video titled “5 Things to Know Before Starting a Social Media Campaign.” These phrases will kickstart your creativity!


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